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Rules, management and supervision

National parks protect the very best of Norwegian nature. This protection contributes to looking after the landscape and diversity of animals and plants. This will enable us to continue having memorable hiking adventures – also in the future.




Public access rights: You can walk or ski wherever you wish in uncultivated land. You can also pitch a tent, providing that it’s at least 150 metres from the nearest occupied house or cabin.

Wild berries and mushrooms: You may pick berries, mushrooms and common plants in Børgefjell for your own use.

Cultural monuments are protected against damage and destruction. Traces of our ancestors are of historic value. Leave cultural monuments alone and don’t built cairns.

Rubbish: Always tidy up and remove any rubbish. Don’t leave any traces.

Campfires are permitted year-round, including the period from 15 April to 15 September, in places that clearly will not lead to forest fires. Use established fireplaces or light fires where they won’t leave lasting traces. Use only fallen wood or take firewood with you. Chopping down trees is prohibited. Dry pine (gaidd) must not be used as firewood.

Hunting and fishing: Hunting and fishing is permitted in the national park pursuant to the same legislation applicable in other uncultivated area. Using live fish as bait is prohibited, as is the transfer of live fish from one watercourse to another. The Børgefjellkortet is a fishing licence that enables you to fish in all lakes in Børgefjell.

Traffic: Walking in zone A of the national park is not permitted in the period from 20 June to 25 July. The equivalent dates for border areas on the Swedish side are from 10 June to 10 July. You can see the areas on this map.

Dogs in the national park: You are welcome to bring your dog with you, but dogs must be kept on a leash in the period from 1 April to 20 August. You are obliged to be considerate towards wild animals, grazing animals and people year-round. Remember that reindeer can perceive a running dog as a predator out hunting.

Motorised traffic is generally prohibited in the national park. Avoid making excessive noise. Powered model aircraft, drones, model boats, ice drills and the like are not permitted.

Clothes and equipment: The weather in Børgefjell changes rapidly in the summer as well as the winter. Thick fog, strong winds driving snow occur. You must assess the weather and conditions, as well as your own fitness level and skills. And prepare by packing suitable clothes and equipment. Experience with crossing rivers is essential as there are few bridges in the national park.

Allow several days for your hike. Børgefjell is best suited for experienced mountain hikers. If you would prefer a shorter day hike, following the trails from the starting points is a good option.

Norwegian Nature SurveillanceStatskog Mountain ServiceRøyrvik Mountain Board and Namsskogan Mountain Board

Børgefjell National Park Board

Lady who is a mountain supervisor looks through binoculars