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Flora and fauna

The mountains, lakes and rivers in Børgefjell provide good habitats for the animals and birds that live and find food here.




Arctic fox

The Arctic fox was protected in 1930, but the population has not increased, and there are now only a few animals left. If you are lucky enough to see one, you can enjoy this special nature-based experience. The Arctic fox has managed to survive in Børgefjell without interventions such as feeding or introducing animals.


Wetland bird species thrive especially well in Børgefjell. The bird life is particularly diverse in the area around Tiplingan and the lower reaches of the Simskardelva river. The most common bird of prey in the national park is the rough-legged buzzard, but the snowy owl, the mighty golden eagle and other birds of prey also nest here. Some seasons there are abundant populations of willow and rock ptarmigan in the national park. It’s important to show extra consideration if you are in this area in the nesting season.


The wolverine is the predator you have the best chances of spotting tracks of in the national park. The brown bear and lynx roam in this area, while the red fox, pine marten, stoat and least weasel are other common but smaller predators in this area.

Domesticated reindeer

Børgefjell is an important grazing area for reindeer in the spring, summer and autumn. The reindeer herds are moved here in the spring to calve and graze on grass and herbs over the summer.

The calves are born in May and June. They spend the first months of their life here before being moved to the winter grazing area. However, reindeer husbandry occurs year-round in the northern part of the national park. Reindeer husbandry is the most important business activity in the national park.

Two people hiking in the mountains


Despite the infertile soil, about 300 plant species have been registered in Børgefjell. The tree line runs 500-600 m above sea level. Most of the forests are bird, but there are also spruce and pine forests at Namsvatnet, Namskroken, Susendal and Simskardet. The marshlands are firm to walk on, but the vegetation is marked by reindeer grazing in the area for hundreds of years. Heath is the dominant plant in mountain areas with an abundance of sedge and bilberry. The willow thickets are teeming with life. Børgefjell has many marshlands covered with bog asphodel, purple moor-grass and deer grass, making the marshlands firm to walk on.